Gather TownNEW: The map of the Gather Town room for the vitural posters is available now! The map of gather town. The posters are: 1. Knowledge Base Question Answering: A Semantic Parsing Perspective 2. Bending the Future: Autoregressive Modeling of Temporal Knowledge Graphs in Curvature-Variable Hyperbolic Spaces 3. Generative Multi-hop Retrieval 4. KAMEL: Knowledge Analysis with Multitoken Entities in Language Models 5. Building Knowledge Graphs of Experientially Related Concepts 6. Open-World Taxonomy and Knowledge Graph Co-Learning 7. Schema-Guided Event Graph Completion 8. A Study of Zero-shot Adaptation with Commonsense Knowledge 9. ArcaneQA: Dynamic Program Induction and Contextualized Encoding for Knowledge Base Question Answering 10. Decoupling Knowledge from Memorization: Retrieval-augmented Prompt Learning 11. DeepKE: A Deep Learning Based Knowledge Extraction Toolkit for Knowledge Base Population 12. Commonsense Knowledge Salience Evaluation with a Benchmark Dataset in E-commerce 13. Towards Realistic Low-resource Relation Extraction: A Benchmark with Empirical Baseline Study